Friday, February 6, 2015

once upon a time

there was a lamb, a wolf and another wolf. they decide to have democracy. they think it is best form of government. they vote on bills. everything goes smoothly. lamb is very happy. then wolfs vote to eat lamb. lamb dies because David Kim approves the vote. that is what is happening to terran boys, zerg and protoss scum must fall before our wrath

an archetypal terran: the augustinian journey

iHop is fucking delicious. go buy pancakes yall.

also terran underpowered.

Monday, February 2, 2015

survey reveals 98.3% of sc2 players think terran underpowered

conducted by a professor at Harvard university with phds in everything

new miracle study finds penis length 85% longer for terrans

protoss average penis length is 2 inches, zerg is 3 inches.

jaedong says "my race is totally op"

velitey is a biased poster!!!!!!!!

don't listen to him ok?

gsl code s currently has 52 zerg

and 25 protoss and negative 45 terrans

foreigner zerg life facerolls terran god maru

experts say zerg was only using his feet and 20 apm during the game

terran winrates down to negative 25%, experts say will decrease more

protoss and zerg are totally imba with everything and crap, they keep facerolling terran with imba units i think terran unit need buff and zerg need nerf